Drama Korea School 2021 Subtitle Indonesia

Download Drama Korea School 2021 Subtitle Indonesia

Download School 2021 Sub Indo drakorindo School 2021 adalah kisah siswa yang menghadiri sekolah menengah khusus dan mencari ambisi mereka, daripada pergi ke perguruan tinggi. Ini akan menyelidiki bagaimana para siswa ini belajar tentang cinta, persahabatan, gairah sejati, dan tumbuh dalam lingkungan yang intens. Gong Ki Joon adalah siswa pekerja keras yang mengambil pekerjaan dan sekolah secara bersamaan. Dia adalah orang yang kehilangan mimpinya 11 tahun mimpi taekwondo karena cedera dan tidak yakin tahu apa yang harus dilakukan. Jeong Young Joo adalah murid pindahan dengan cerita tersembunyi dan hubungan masa lalu dengan Gong Ki Joon. Jin Ji Won, seorang gadis SMA yang percaya diri dengan mimpi yang kuat, dengan percaya diri menyampaikan pendapatnya meskipun dia bertentangan dengan ibunya tentang kuliah. Kang Seo Young adalah siswa berbakat yang sedang mempersiapkan diri untuk ujian masuk perguruan tinggi. Dia bertujuan untuk masuk salah satu dari lima universitas terbaik di Korea. Lee Kang Hoon adalah seorang guru yang menghargai keseimbangan kehidupan kerja. Dia secara bertahap tumbuh bersama murid-muridnya. Lee Jae Hee adalah keponakan ketua dewan, sementara Gu Mi Hee adalah saudara kembar Lee Jae Hyuk. Dia adalah orang yang pendiam dan berusaha untuk membuat banyak perubahan baru. Lee Jae Hyuk adalah kembaran Lee Jae Hee. Tidak seperti Jae Hee, Jae Hyuk adalah orang yang mendapat dukungan dari yayasan.

Drama: School 2021
Country: South Korea
Episodes: 16
Airs: Nov 24, 2021 – Jan 13, 2022
Airs On: Wednesday, Thursday
Original Network: KBS2, Viki
Duration: 1 hr. 10 min.


Kim Yo Han
Jo Yi Hyun
Jin Ji Won
Choo Young Woo
Hwang Bo Reum Byeol

Download Drama Korea School 2021 Subtitle Indonesia

info video:360p|480p|720p|hardsubindo|link source nodrakor

Episodes Special

360p: Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
480p:Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
720p: Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile

 Episodes 1
360p: Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
480p: Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p: Zippyshare | Fastdrive | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream |Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
720p: Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p (RAW): Zipyshare | Google Drive | Userload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile

 Episodes 2
360p : Zipyshare | GDrive | Mp4Upd | HXFile | Upstrm | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
480p : Zipyshare | GDrive | Mp4Upd | HXFile | Upstrm | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p : Zipyshare | GDrive | Mp4Upd | HXFile | Upstrm | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
720p : Zipyshare | GDrive | Mp4Upd | HXFile | Upstrm | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p (RAW): Zipyshare | Google Drive | Userload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile

 Episodes 3
360p: Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
480p: Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p: Zippyshare | Fastdrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream |Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
720p: Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile

 Episodes 4
360p: Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
480p: Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p: Zippyshare | Fastdrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream |Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
720p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile

 Episode 5
360p: Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p: Zippyshare | Fastdrive | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream |Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
720p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p (Raw): Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Userload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile

Episode 6
360p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
480p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p : Zippyshare | Fastdrive | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream |Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
720p (: Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p (Raw): Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Userload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile

 Episode 7
360p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
480p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
720p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p (Raw): Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile

 Episode 8
360p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
720p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p (Raw): Megaup | Zippyshare | Solidfiles | Uptobox | Fileupload | Racaty | Gofiles | Bayfiles | Mirror

Episode 9 Fix
360p: Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p :Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
720p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p (Raw): Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Userload | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
Subtitle Indonesia / English | Subtitle Indonesia / English

Episode 10
360p: Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p :Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
720p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p (Raw): Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
Subtitle Indonesia / English | Subtitle Indonesia / English

Episode 11
360p : Zippyshare | FastDriveGDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Streamlare | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p: Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Mp4upload | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
720p : Zippyshare | FastDriveGDrive | Mp4Upload | HXFile | Streamlare | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p (Raw): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Streamlare | HXFile | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
Subtitle Indonesia / English | Subtitle Indonesia / English

Episode 12
360p : Zipyshare | GDrive | Mp4Upd | HXFile | Streamre | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p : Zipyshare | GDrive | Mp4Upd | HXFile | Streamre | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
720p : Zipyshare | GDrive | Mp4Upd | HXFile | Streamre | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
540p (RAW): Zippyshare | Google Drive | Streamlre| HXFile | Upstream | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
Subtitle Indonesia / English | Subtitle Indonesia / English

Episode 13
360p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | SafeFile | HXFileRacaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | Streamlare
540p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | SafeFile | HXFileRacaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | SafeFile | HXFileRacaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | Streamlare
540p (Raw: Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | HXFile | Streamlare | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
Subtitle Indonesia / English | Subtitle Indonesia / English

Episode 14
360p: Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | SafeFile | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | Streamlare
540p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | SafeFile | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | SafeFile | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | Streamlare
Subtitle Indonesia / English | Subtitle Indonesia / English

Episode 15
360p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | SafeFile | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | Streamlare
480p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | SafeFile | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | Streamlare
540p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | SafeFile | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | SafeFile | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | Streamlare
540p (Raw): Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | Usersdrive | HXFile | Streamlare | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
Subtitle Indonesia / English | Subtitle Indonesia / English

Episode 16
360p: Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | SafeFile | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | Streamlare
540p: Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | SafeFile | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | FastDrive  | GDrive | SafeFile | HXFile | Usersdrive | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile | Streamlare
540p (Raw): Zippyshare | FastDrive | GDrive | Usersdrive | HXFile | Streamlare | Racaty | Solidfiles | Acefile
Subtitle Indonesia / English | Subtitle Indonesia / English

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