Drama China The Long Ballad (2021) Subtitle Indonesia

Drama China The Long Ballad (2021) Subtitle Indonesia
Drama China The Long Ballad (2021) Subtitle Indonesia

Drama China The Long Ballad (2021) Subtitle Indonesia


Drama China The Long Ballad  Keluarga Li Chang Ge dibunuh oleh Li Shi Min, Kaisar Tang, selama Insiden Gerbang Xuanwu. Dia menuju ke Provinsi Shuo dengan menyamar sebagai seorang pria dengan harapan mengumpulkan pasukan untuk membunuh Li Shi Min untuk membalas kematian keluarganya. Namun, sebagai kapten tentara Provinsi Shuo di Zhangzhou, dia kalah dalam pengepungan oleh Jenderal Ashina Sun dari Khaganat Turki Timur, yang membawanya untuk melayaninya sebagai ahli strategi militer pribadi.

Drama: The Long Ballad
Country: China
Episodes: 49
Aired: Mar 31, 2021 – ?
Aired On: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Original Network: Tencent Video
Duration: 45 min.

Pemain Utama
Dilraba Dilmurat
Leo Wu
Liu Yu Ning
Rosy Zhao
Alen Fang
Zhang Wan Er

Drama China The Long Ballad (2021) Subtitle Indonesia

Episode 1
540p :  Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 2
540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 3

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 4

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 5

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 6

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 7

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 8

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 9

540p: Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 10

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 11

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 12

540p: Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 13

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 14

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 15

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 16

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 17

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 18

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 19

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 20

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 21

540p  : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 22

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 23

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 24

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 25

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Userload

Episode 26

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Userload

Episode 27

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 28

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 29

540p: Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 30

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 31

360p  Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive

Episode 32

360p Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive

Episode 33

540p : Zippyshare | Userload| GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles
360p Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive

Episode 34

540p : Zippyshare | Userload| GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles
360p Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive

Episode 35

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles
360p  Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive

Episode 36

540p : Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles
360pStreaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive

Episode 37

360p  Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive

540p : Zippyshare | FilesIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 38

360p [Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive

540p : Zippyshare | FilesIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 39

360p Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive

540p: Zippyshare | FilesIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 40

360p  Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive

540p : Zippyshare | FilesIm | GDrive | Hxfile| Racaty  Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 41

360p  Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive

540p : Zippyshare | FilesIm | GDrive |,Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 42

360p Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive

540p : Zippyshare | FilesIm | GDrive | Hxfile |Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 43

360 Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | MIRROR

540p : Zippyshare | FilesIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Userload | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 44

360 Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | MIRROR

540p : Zippyshare | FilesIm |GDrive | Hxfile | Userload | | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 45

360p  Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | MIRROR

540p : Zippyshare | FilesIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 46

360p  | Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | MIRROR

540p : Zippyshare | FilesIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 47: Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 48: Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

Episode 49 End: Zippyshare | FileIm | GDrive | Hxfile | Racaty | Upstream | Solidfiles

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17 Komentar

  1. Sehat slalu dan upload trus ya min, drama chinax seru bangetndan terlove pokoknya. Trimaksih yah admin selalu uoload. Sarangheyo admin😘😘😘

  2. Admin yg budiman, fighting ya..
    The best pokokx admin Agendrama😍
    Jngan lupa d tnggu updatex drama long ballad😘😘😘

  3. Terimakasih bnyak admin udah up🤗😘🙏🙏😭😭😭
    D tnggu episode slanjutx yah..
    Smoga sehat slalu admin yg terbaiiiiiiiikkkkk..

  4. Mimin yang baik hati, kpan update lagi..
    Udh ngk sabar nih pngin nnton lgi li changge sma ashina sun😍
    Untul mimin smoga shat slalu yah dan bisa update trus🤗

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